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About Me

Hello all of you amazing souls!  I am so glad you’re here and that you’ve found my little magical piece of the internet!  Make yourself comfortable, I hope you find my page, products and magic to be empowering and inspirational.

I am an Eclectic Witch, and you guessed it a Gemini.  I practice candle magic, tarot, ritual baths, sigil magic, kitchen witchery, and astrology.  

I grew up in rural small town America.  From an early age I connected to nature and animals.  I spent most of my time outside picking wildflowers, watching the birds and animals that lived around our land. If you haven’t been outside barefoot with your feet in the grass recently, this is your sign to go outside, take your shoes off and just sit for awhile.

I found my first witchy book in my teens in a bookstore in the mall. It was the mid to late 90’s and my mom and I went shopping often.  I would walk the aisles looking for new books that spoke to me. One day I found my first book on wicca and I was so excited to take it home.  I spent hours in our families outdoor cellar casting circles and making magical memories.  I didn’t have fancy supplies and a lot of times I had to make substitutions, yet it was still magic and it was mine. 

My friends thought I had gone mad when they learned what I had been up to.   Over time I drifted from my magic as a means to fit in with my friends in our tiny small town.  Despite my efforts, I never did fit in with the church crowd even though I tried for many years.  It just wasn’t meant for me.

Fast forward and something amazing happened.  I found my way back to my authentic self and back to my magic.  I found my way back to connecting with the earth, to walking barefoot in the grass, to gazing at the moon with wonder, to blowing my wishes into dandelions and to manifesting my dreams.  It’s so so good to be back.  

It became clear that I needed to share what I have learned about life, magic, creativity and my passion for tarot.  I want to leave a legacy of kindness and of magic in this world and it starts here.  Life is supposed to be fun, empowering, a supernaturally lovely magical adventure of the Fool's journey.  I hope we can make a little magic together, have some fun and grow into the witches we were destined to be.  

It’s so very nice to meet you.  If you havent already, sign up for my newsletter its absolutely the best way to stay current with me.  You can also find me on instagram as well. 

One last thing to note, I beleive that our community needs to be kind, supportive and gracious with each other.  Let’s normalize lifting up and supporting one another.  Check out my witches supporting witches page and go give some of my amazing witch friends some love and support as well.  Let’s leave the world and our witchy communities a little better than we found it.  Life’s not a competition it’s a collaboration.  

Lifetimes of Love,

The Eclectic Gemini